Lesson of the Week

Comments (6) La la la, Music

My music choice has been on constant rotation between Alphabeat and Yelle for the past week.
Everything by Yelle is in French so SarChan and i have no clue what we’re bopping to.
But we do know we be liking their tunes.
It’s flighty, girly, clubby pop and makes me think of dancing on the beach.
Or in my bathroom. I dance in my bathroom to it since i’m not on the beach right now.

One of my favourites from Yelle is Tristesse/Joie

… which wasn’t even released as a single but i’ve still taken a huge fancy to it!

So la la la, forever listening to the songs, singing along to the lyrics (wrongly) and not knowing what the hell it means.
I met up with a friend before he flew back to Paris last week – Denis.
And seeing he’s French and hey! He knows French (duh) so he can translate it for me!
Over wine at Mezza Notte (which he turned his nose down at. The wine. Not the restaurant), i made him listen to my iPod to tell me what the girl’s singing about.

“Are you sure it’s in French?” he asked, listening carefully.
“Yes of course i’m sure, wait… the lyrics haven’t started yet…”
“Ah, yes. I hear it now. It’s French…”
“So what’s she saying?”
“… She’s saying… *cocks his head to one side* to go back… or somewhere with her…”

… No.


I did NOT just accidentally ask someone to translate something that they’d now think is provocative!


I slapped my face into my hands (i really did) not knowing whether to laugh it off or tug the iPod away before he translated anymore.

The next day i told SarChan about it in the office and she laughed and laughed, “I told you the lyrics are dirty!”
“I did! You weren’t listening!”
“Fuck. Malu okay.”

Lesson of the Week: Not to ask people to translate songs in case this happens. Because. These kind of things always seem to happen to me. -_-

6 Responses to Lesson of the Week

  1. ZeekNotGeek says:

    Yelle was in town?! yeah. though i know only bits bout french and dont know what the heck he’s blabbing about, his music is damn cool wei..Funky! I dont know if he’s huge here, but Im hooked to it!

    Good taste, fairy!


  2. silveryarn says:

    I found a rough translation of that song here! (Check the comments)

  3. Ohkulala says:

    on a totally unrelated issue, i was interviewed by malay mail regarding my blog and i did mention i read your blog religiously :P. if you wanna read the article, here it is: http://themouthmarathon.blogspot.com/2008/06/im-in-newspapers.html

  4. sarchan says:

    ZeekNotGeek, Yelle is a chick.

  5. ZeekNotGeek says:


    OOps! i just realised it. Typo error.

    Well, if you;re an Entourage fan-si, her songs was featured in the S4 last episode when the gang in Cannes.

  6. Jerry says:

    So…KBF still planning to get the new car?

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