Lucas & Heloise forever :)

Comments (2) Fairy Love, People & Beings

There was SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT i had to attend on Sunday morning at 10:30am. SO IMPORTANT that i didn’t dare get too drunk at Urbanscapes on Saturday, so that i could wake up and ensure my presence.

Weeks ago, Lucas told all of us that he was planning to surprise Heloise on her birthday, and needed all our help… cos we were to each wear a T-shirt that spelt out a message for her. It was one of those days that is IMPERATIVE you show up for your friend. For one, Lucas and Helo helped Clem and i move house two years back… and friends who help you carry your shit are REAL FRIENDS! Since then, they’re always included in our house parties ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway okay back to the story. I managed to wake up at 9:20am, wrapped Helo’s present and write her card (cos i’m so last minute like that) and packed all my things for Urbanscapes in case i left the birthday BBQ late. All of us were to congregate at 10:30am while Lucas and Helo were out, and we were to be standing all ready in front of their condo when they got back.

I walked up to the group at 10:40am and Cammy gave me a fake-shock face and said, “OH. You MADE IT.” I was all like, “OF COURSE i made it! This is too important to NOT make it to!” -_-

There were about 23 adults to stand in line to form the words, a few handling the cameras and video cam, and some teeny French children wearing T-shirts with “Happy Birthday Heloise” painted on them. Too cute!

Anyway it took roughly six practices to get all of ย us to get the whole turning around thing at the same time. You’d think as adults, we’d be able to do something as simple as that in a flash… but no. The scene that unfolded made me realize adults are sometimes no different from CHILDREN. There are some not listening. One is shouting out orders, while another decides they’d be better at giving orders (Serena haha) and shouts “1, 2, 3!” too. Cammy is five months pregnant and standing precariously on a plastic chair and i’m like, “That’s so asking for it…. 0_0”

We got word that Lucas and Helo were arriving and quickly stood on the chairs facing the back, cos the words “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” were on our backs. They arrived and i turned just my head around so i could watch everything unfold. Lucas and Helo got out of the car and she looked WELL AND TRULY SHOCKED cos this bright red Myvi with a giant ribbon tied around it came driving up (her birthday present from Lucas). Her face was so priceless…

Helo not believing her eyes…

Lucas and his smug smile… knowing there’s more awesomeness to come.

So Helo’s crying cos she’s so happy… and she’s reading the “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” we’re all spelling out…

Then we all turned around and the front of our shirts spelt out: HELOISE WILL YOU MARRY ME.



She just STOPPED in her tracks, put her hands to her face and turned around cos she started crying again…

And she just stood there crying for the longest time!

While Lucas gleefully gives us the thumbs up.

He shouted at us, “She hasn’t said yes yet…” Then she went, “Yes yessss” while nodding her head and he swept her off her feet and swung her around.

At that point Cammy and i were totally bawling. “I’m crying, shit!” said Cammy. “I know… i’m crying too,” i sobbed. She went, “I’m PREGNANT, what’s YOUR excuse.” Stupid. [edit: Oh Helo told me that she looked thru the photos, and seems like the GUYS were crying too hahaaaa]

It was quite an epic proposal. First all your friends being made to spell out the ‘happy birthday’, then a car as a present, THEN a proposal and the ring?! Too good. We stood there and clapped and cheered and Cammy and i tried to make our faces more presentable.

After it was over, the wives like Cammy, Serena and Melati were all comparing how they got proposed to.
“I got proposed to between salmon and cheese!”
“Huh, i got proposed to at dinner in front of my parents…”
“I guess Lucas raised the bar real high now.”
“I think our husbands owe us cars. Where are they.”


Cammy and Helo’s new car! I wonder why pregnant women aren’t asked to be car models…. Hmm

Helo & Lucas <3 Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! We’re so so crazy happy for you guys!!!

After the proposal we all had a BBQ by the pool.

Kenny/Cammy was bugging Lucas & Helo to have a baby girl so that their son can have a playmate. I saw Lucas’ face and was like, “Guys… he just proposed… think you gotta give him some time before you pressure him about a kid…”

Matt asked me to take a picture of him sexily flinging his hair out of the water but my camera button is lagging and… the opposite resulted.

What a great day ๐Ÿ˜€



2 Responses to Lucas & Heloise forever :)

  1. […] good will come of it.ย I personally know of so many romantic stories and Cinderella moments, likeย Lucas’ proposal to Helo that i blogged about.ย That was romance that brought our guy friends to tears (we have photo evidence guys, you […]

  2. sgrmse. says:

    ohmyyy. i wanna cry reading this pls. (‘:

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