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Stepping out for self study

July 9, 2017

To create a new and exciting bubble of life, one has to break out of their old...

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Ecstatic Dance night

July 7, 2017

I’ve experienced ecstatic dance a few times – in London for Morning...

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Sacred Circularities Hoop Retreat | Bali 2015

July 6, 2017

My journey with my hoop began just because i liked being near one, or in one. I...

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Life lessons from my first experience with a...

August 5, 2016

The shy writer in me stores away pieces of writing which i write because the...

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“I’m going for a hoop retreat.”

March 29, 2015

“A what?” people retort when i tell them i am going to be away for...

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Bali, Travel


Bali: Nyepi Day + Monkey Forest @ Ubud

March 25, 2010

After spending a day at Dreamland, we made our way North to Ubud and managed to...

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