Saturday January 28, 2006

Comments (28) Uncategorized

Exactly a year ago, AdlinRosli tried to convince Joyce to wear GongXiFaCai red clothes to an event

Damn Chat Hot

Why must it always be so friggin hot during Chinese New Year?
In some ways, i’m damn chinese to stick to traditions that my family has been carrying out since ever

AdamPoserPan was blowing smoke at my hair just before dinner
“Don’t blow smoke at my hair!… Not supposed to wash it tomorrow… First day of new year.”
But hmm seeing how *he* is, if being grubby brings good luck
Then he should have extreme fortune all year long!

I can’t believe i’m blogging on CNY eve.
Damn sad man.

Oh and you know what’s lagi sad?
My cough has been irritating me all day so i went hunting for my cough mixture in the fridge
And Mommy must have thrown it out!
It’s GONE!


My lovely pei cough mixture


I’m staying at home tonight cos (obviously) it’s CNY eve and i’ll get a ragging from my parents if i stay at Smellie’s.

You know you don’t stay at home enough when you flip the wrong switch for the fan in the living room

My unchinese side yesterday:

I went for dinner with KinkyPugKevin in KLCC before Bliss and TAG
We were at Little Penang and i was ordering iced coffee from the waiter
“Can i have a kopi-o peng please?”
“With milk? Or without milk?”
“Without milk without milk! So i want a kopi-o yeah. Iced. No peng.”

Kevin stared cock at me.
I thought he was just being stupid so i ignored him.

“Joyce. Peng is ice. So kopi-o peng IS iced kopi-o.”

S H A M E L E S S.

I turned my head from the waiter and stared out the glass window in shame, restraining myself from banging my forehead on it for idiocy.

Yesterday, Mommy was nagging me to keep away the Christmas deco
Last Christmas, Daddy and i were damn lazy to put up the Christmas tree
So i hung the xmas deco on the pussywillow in the house
Super western deco on the super chinese plant

I thought it was pretty clever
No fuss with the tree
AND embrace our chinese heritage at the same time!

Unfortunately, Mommy thought it ridiculous
And she hung up ang pow packets on it now for Chinese New Year

White people like my Uncle Mark and Adam are horrified by all the weird parts the rest of my family devour
But i love this shit
*smacks lips*

28 Responses to Saturday January 28, 2006

  1. looney_v5 says:

    Joyce-O-Peng………… πŸ˜›

  2. Anonymous says:

    Joyce-O-Peng………… πŸ˜›

  3. iamsiren says:

    heh.. happy chinese new year joyce!

  4. Anonymous says:

    heh.. happy chinese new year joyce!

  5. NightNyx says:

    Damn smart. XD Good going, JoyceTheFairy.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Damn smart. XD Good going, JoyceTheFairy.

  7. NightNyx says:

    Erm…. I was talking about the christmas decorations. XD

  8. Anonymous says:

    Erm…. I was talking about the christmas decorations. XD

  9. happy chinese new year babe!


  10. Anonymous says:

    happy chinese new year babe!


  11. junmingumich says:

    hahaha.. dear fairy, tat’s farnie. But no worries, I’m sure alot of other people make the same mistake. I myself, don’t know whats teh-O, teh this teh that, all the different kinds of tea or coffee. I’m a nut.

  12. Anonymous says:

    hahaha.. dear fairy, tat’s farnie. But no worries, I’m sure alot of other people make the same mistake. I myself, don’t know whats teh-O, teh this teh that, all the different kinds of tea or coffee. I’m a nut.

  13. placid26 says:

    You too English already. At least you kept the stiff upper lip and didn’t crack when you made the mistake. Merry Chinese New Year. Chrissy decor on Chinese Pussy Willow. I’m sure there was a funny Confucius saying in there some where.

  14. Anonymous says:

    You too English already. At least you kept the stiff upper lip and didn’t crack when you made the mistake. Merry Chinese New Year. Chrissy decor on Chinese Pussy Willow. I’m sure there was a funny Confucius saying in there some where.

  15. nightstar says:

    Yesh itz sooo damn hot! dog! cny! .. as the always (*_*)

    “Iced. No peng!” hahahahhahahahhahahah

    ..hmz. yea i agree with adam the chicken feet lookz scary. .. but in these shotz, the fingerz looks so thin and slender.. they..kinda remind me of…yourz?! (O_o) *runzawaybeforejoycecoughzintomycyberface*

  16. Anonymous says:

    Yesh itz sooo damn hot! dog! cny! .. as the always (*_*)

    “Iced. No peng!” hahahahhahahahhahahah

    ..hmz. yea i agree with adam the chicken feet lookz scary. .. but in these shotz, the fingerz looks so thin and slender.. they..kinda remind me of…yourz?! (O_o) *runzawaybeforejoycecoughzintomycyberface*

  17. Hey, Happy New Year. Have a Red Hot CNY!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Hey, Happy New Year. Have a Red Hot CNY!

  19. devilishaz says:

    Happy chinese new year!! Those chicken feet looks yummy hahaha!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Happy chinese new year!! Those chicken feet looks yummy hahaha!

  21. toochoong says:

    gong xi gong xi ^^

  22. Anonymous says:

    gong xi gong xi ^^

  23. Quilana says:

    Happy new year! Why are those taken with a Panasonic? WHY? You still haven’t told me how much you got your baby for. ;P *demands pictures* Let us indulge in DLSR goodness together!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Happy new year! Why are those taken with a Panasonic? WHY? You still haven’t told me how much you got your baby for. ;P *demands pictures* Let us indulge in DLSR goodness together!

  25. nightstar: they DO NOT look like mine… *stares at fingers*

    devilishaz: yEAH! *slurppp*

    quilana: i got it for 3630, okay la, it’s actually cheaper abit then normal market price…. not a huge discount or anything! It’s urm at home… in the box… CNY la… don’t dare to charge first time and then cannot come home to take it out yada yada yada, don’t wanna fuck up the first time charging leh!

  26. Anonymous says:

    nightstar: they DO NOT look like mine… *stares at fingers*

    devilishaz: yEAH! *slurppp*

    quilana: i got it for 3630, okay la, it’s actually cheaper abit then normal market price…. not a huge discount or anything! It’s urm at home… in the box… CNY la… don’t dare to charge first time and then cannot come home to take it out yada yada yada, don’t wanna fuck up the first time charging leh!

  27. Quilana says:

    So you got just the D70s kit for 3630, no add ons or free stuff? It’s a lot cheaper than normal market price cos after all, the market price is about 4088, so YAY! You should take your baby out on a test drive ma, take it around Adam’s apartment and play with the DOF on gross gel spillage. πŸ˜›

  28. Anonymous says:

    So you got just the D70s kit for 3630, no add ons or free stuff? It’s a lot cheaper than normal market price cos after all, the market price is about 4088, so YAY! You should take your baby out on a test drive ma, take it around Adam’s apartment and play with the DOF on gross gel spillage. πŸ˜›

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