It’s Beyond That

Comments (6) Events, La la la

Some people are asking me about DetergentMan… and how we seem to be moving things fast.
But i really really like him. And i don’t want to play games or anything, it’s beyond playing games for me.
I figure that even though a lot of chasing involves games, this attraction has reached a level where we don’t even bother with it.

As SiewChing said, “So i guess this marks a new chapter in your life.”
And i replied, “I guess so…”

Sometimes i think that i’m breaking all my rules and i’m going to fuck myself over.
That if i see him so much now, something might go wrong and it’ll be lost.
But it’s reached a point where i don’t even care anymore… and i’m happy.

I just have to concentrate.

For instance, on my driving -_-
I was so busy daydreaming about him that i accidentally made a wrong turn and got myself stuck in a traffic jam -_-
And i almost ran a red light 0_o

“Mmm, you’re toasty,” he said this morning.
I was thinking, eh? Toasty? I’m usually the one who needs to be warmed up…

Turned out i had fever and took MC.
Went to the doctor’s in Bangsar and bumped into JayMenon in Strip.

“Oh i saw you in Style, it’s a really nice picture!” she complimented.
“Style… what picture? In event issit?” I was so blur.
“No, like some feature.”

I swear my memory is so bad i forgot all about it.
So i pottered to my local newsstand to get a copy.

Style Mag

Tada! Me! *beams*
I got the earrings and belt from a vintage shop IceCalvin brought me to in Bangkok.

Style Mag

I was taken aback when i saw the person being featured next to me…

AdamPoserPan -_-

Style Mag

I did the shoot on the same day with ChatterboxJojo(Struys) and SmallSerena, so go get the mag and see the other gorgeous shots for yourself ๐Ÿ™‚

Why Losing Control

Isn’t Recommended:

<I had to take the picture down. Because Adrian didn’t think it was flattering… and i don’t really want to get on his bad side, see :p Sigh. Veto power presides again.>

#1. Shameless pictures of yourself will be snapped by your staff.

#2. Said shameless pictures will easily be copied from your staff in the office, unto memory card of some fairy blogger person who was there to have a meeting with you.

#3. You never know when one particular shameless picture might then be used by one of your contributors for a poster. Not just any poster. But a WILD one.


6 Responses to It’s Beyond That

  1. sp says:

    fairy,i totally stand behind you on this matter. Coz im in the same boat ๐Ÿ˜› Found him when I LEAST expected. Am now totally, absolutely in love after a destructive r’ship. Things just went SO fast. My heart says it is right. So for once, Im gonna listen to my heart, and not my head. All the best wth DetergentMan. Hugs.

  2. Ecstasy says:

    Your pic brings to mind a superhero like multiply man or something with 3 of you in there heh.

  3. […] Kinky Blue Fairy created an interesting post today on It’s Beyond That […]

  4. […] Escape Tribe placed an interesting blog post on Itâ??s Beyond That […]

  5. Lydia says:

    I KNEW it was Adrian from the moment I saw the poster!

  6. pretaporter says:

    Smart in tackling my comment earlier!
    Best of luck!

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